So it's been a while since either of us have blogged, but we've been so busy with our totally interesting lives. Last year, Shelby and I had a very eventful October. It will forever be known as Octoberfest. This year, our September was very similar...but better. It will forever be known as Septemberfest. Original name..I know, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The first event in our lineup was the Auburn vs. Mississippi State game. This past memorial day Shelby and I worked at Magic Moments camp. We met the love of our lives, and prom date for that weekend:the wonderful, fantastic, and poofy hair that is Brett Perry. B-rett, as we so lovingly call him, currently attends Mississippi State. At camp I told Brett he could stay with us for the game, and bring all of his friends. Well... He took us up on that offer. He brought five friends and himself. At first I was like ehhh, but by Sunday I didn't want them to leave. We had a blasty blast. Brett and his friends are full of one liners and quick whit. As a result of the visit, a hat was left. The hat has now become our best friend. She currently goes on all adventures with us. We like to think of it as sisterhood of the traveling hat.
The second adventure Shelby, the hat, and I had on our Septemberfest lineup was the Jason Aldean concert. I originally went to see Jason in July. Well it basically hurricaned. So, as a result of rescheduling, Amelia and Shelby got to go to the concert with me the second time around. Jason Aldean was AWESOME. If you like him, love him, dont know him, but like country music...get on ticketmaster and find yourself some tickets. He was so excellent. We loved it. (the hat especially) I would go again. Totally worth it.
The third adventure, and last on the lineup has yet to come. We are venturing over to Athens, Ga this weekend. One of our best friends turns 21 this weekend, and it is vital that we celebrate her birth. The hat is also coming along. The University of Georgia may never be the same.
I'm leaving you with a little love:
Its probably the cutest thing Ive ever seen.
xoxo -ch
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