Our attempt at southern living...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Paaarobably Time to Update...

Well, since our last post was in December, and it is now mid-June, and I'm leaving the country for the month of July (and therefore definitely won't be able to post anything then, seeing as how my mother won't let me take my computer with me), I figured I should "paaarobably" update anyone who's paying attention to the progress of our humble abode... because there has been a lot... and unfortunately I don't usually think to take "before" pictures of all my craft-oriented endeavors, but I'll try to use what little I do have to best convey any changes we've made.

 Left: an idea I got from something I saw on either Pinterest or one of the blogs I follow... or maybe even Tumblr... I really don't know...
Right: a key/coat(?)/scarf/etc. wall rack that I made basically because I really liked the knobs and bird hooks and wanted to use them for something...

This is an idea that Clayton had from Pinterest (I think)... Obviously, I didn't record the making of mine. It was kind of spontaneously done anyway (because I liked Clayton's and wanted one for myself). But then again, most of my projects are somewhat spontaneous/impromtu in nature...

I wanted to make a tray, but the only way to make an actual functioning tray like the one I had in mind was to securely attach glass to the bottom of the frame, which a.) I didn't want to pay for and b.) I didn't have the appropriate tools for (which I also didn't want to pay for). SO, I used a plexi-glass-like sheet that I bought from none other than Hobby Lobby (or HobLob, as I sometimes affectionately call it... other times, not so affectionately). It actually turned out pretty sturdy, although I wouldn't test its abilities with anything breakable. Also in the picture are some coasters I made out of plain ceramic tiles (from Lowe's, 97 cents each if I recall correctly) and some pictures that I made out of pictures I had on my computer and quotes that I like (and some modge podge and water-proof varnish of course). And lastly, in this collage, is the epitome of one of my improvised projects. I accidentally bought glass bottles of ginger ale from Kroger... not quite sure how I didn't notice that they were glass (instead of plastic) until after I bought them; but nevertheless, the idea of throwing the empty bottles away (be it trash can or recycling bin, because we do recycle, mind you) didn't sit well with me at all. I mean they had so much potential. They were, after all, glass, not some cheap regular plastic bottles. And having read the earlier portion of this paragraph, one would gather that I apparently have a skewed version of the value of things, or at least in this context, the value of glass. ( I say this because I don't think glass is actually that precious, but sometimes my "frugal" tendencies get the best of me, and apparently my ability to use logic.) Anyway, I wrapped them in yarn and called it a day. NEXT:

This little gem is the product of Clayton really wanting a "cute" bar instead of a bigger bookshelf. After getting [probably too many] ideas from the various [and again, too many] blogs I follow, we decided we wanted a rolling, trolley-bar. I'm not sure if that's what it is actually called, but it sounded appropriate, so I'm stickin' to it. It was pretty ugly/gross and frankly reminded me of something that might have been used on the Titanic or in the Tower of Terror. So I sacrificed my lungs, and probably our sense of smell for a week or two, and spray-painted it after creating a few "drop-cloths" out of whatever I could find that I didn't need. I probably could have just done it outside of course, but I don't like people getting in my business... at least not my neighbors, because they either creep me out or get on my nerves... I don't like none of 'em... but that's a topic for another day... Also, I bought a new bookshelf since Clayton commandeered our other one to use for her step-brothers' bedroom...

And finally, here are some progression pictures ... and don't judge us on the amount of alcohol in our trolley-bar; we've had a lot of 21st birthdays recently, so deal with it.

Maybe in another 6 months I'll update again, but for now...That's all folks!

Monday, December 12, 2011



5 years later.

Fall (in color)

 Jason Aldean Concert.
 Athens. Round One. Alicia's Birthday.
 Halloween. Charlie Brown and Linus.
 Mississippi State Junction

 Athens Round 2. AU vs. GA
 Auburn vs. Alabama
Merry Christmas Y'all

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hokay, so, for Halloween this year, Clayton and I decided (on a whim, I might add) to be Charlie Brown and his best friend Linus van Pelt, specifically from the Halloween special "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."

The costumes turned out decently enough, I suppose:
The other sign (that Clayton
is holding) is for a contest. Just
disregard it.

But they probably would have been awesome if I had spent as much time on them as I spent on my brother's costume (who is 27 and married, by the way). See, Thursday night, he called me to inform me that he basically needed me to make his whole costume in less that 24 hours. (At this point, I had not started on my own costume or Clayton's) And what did my completely self-sufficient brother choose to be?...: Macho Man Randy Savage... Yes. This guy:

Well.. I think my efforts paid off... He ended up looking like this:

No, he's not wearing a diaper, that's just his shorts rolled up.
He thought it looked "better." haha

I'm sad to see October go so quickly... it's my favorite month and I never feel like I enjoyed it or soaked it in enough. Oh, well... maybe next year.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


So it's been a while since either of us have blogged, but we've been so busy with our totally interesting lives. Last year, Shelby and I had a very eventful October. It will forever be known as Octoberfest. This year, our September was very similar...but better. It will forever be known as Septemberfest. Original name..I know, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The first event in our lineup was the Auburn vs. Mississippi State game. This past memorial day Shelby and I worked at Magic Moments camp. We met the love of our lives, and prom date for that weekend:the wonderful, fantastic, and poofy hair that is Brett Perry. B-rett, as we so lovingly call him, currently attends Mississippi State. At camp I told Brett he could stay with us for the game, and bring all of his friends. Well... He took us up on that offer. He brought five friends and himself. At first I was like ehhh, but by Sunday I didn't want them to leave. We had a blasty blast. Brett and his friends are full of one liners and quick whit. As a result of the visit, a hat was left. The hat has now become our best friend. She currently goes on all adventures with us. We like to think of it as sisterhood of the traveling hat.
The second adventure Shelby, the hat, and I had on our Septemberfest lineup was the Jason Aldean concert. I originally went to see Jason in July. Well it basically hurricaned. So, as a result of rescheduling, Amelia and Shelby got to go to the concert with me the second time around. Jason Aldean was AWESOME. If you like him, love him, dont know him, but like country music...get on ticketmaster and find yourself some tickets. He was so excellent. We loved it. (the hat especially) I would go again. Totally worth it.
The third adventure, and last on the lineup has yet to come. We are venturing over to Athens, Ga this weekend. One of our best friends turns 21 this weekend, and it is vital that we celebrate her birth. The hat is also coming along. The University of Georgia may never be the same.

I'm leaving you with a little love: http://vimeo.com/15796763
Its probably the cutest thing Ive ever seen.

xoxo -ch

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I LOVE the Fall... I'm Kindddaaaa Obsessed.

My obsession might have something to do with the fact that, here in the deeeep South, Autumn never lasts very long... We probably get about one collective month of pretty colors and crisp air (notice I said *crisp* not frosty, although I don't mind that either, but you know some people get their panties in a wad over cold weather) before all the leaves start dying and falling off the trees and the "winter" comes. Not to mention, even in our "cold" seasons, there are still days where it reaches up to 80 degrees for some inappropriate reason. For me (a person who is perpetually intolerant of heat for some unknown anatomical reason), anything above 70 degrees is too hot, especially when the sun is out... That darn sun, always making everything hot... If vampires were real, I would probably be one. Not in a weird, blood-thirsty way... just in a weird "I hate the sun - my skin reflects the sun - I like to be cold and hate being hot - being hot makes me angry like the Hulk" kind of way. Also, Clayton episodically calls me a vampire and insists that I look like I would be "cold to the touch."
Anywayyyyy, needless to say, I love the Fall, because I like actually being able to wear nice clothes without wanting to rip them off and jump in a pool. Also, I like all the pretty colors: on the trees, in decorations, in fashion, in the holidays' festivities... etc. So in honor of this glorious, short-living season, I put together some collages (of course I did) of a lot of pictures (because it's practically impossible for me to pick favorites) that make me think of the whimsy and wonderfulness of Fallllll:

... Like outdoor movies with lots and lots of blankets, and the smell of a burning fireplace, and playing outside with my hypothetical dog, and kissing llamas, and Taylor Swift, and PUMP-I-KINS, and indoor blanket forts! Woo! (okay, so those are just my personal preferences... but aren't they magicalllll)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

One day, I might finish all my projects... but probably not.


And since I like collages so much, I threw one together of some stuff I would buy for Clayton if I was a rich girl (na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na) 

I would actually not buy that jewelry box, I would make it.

Anyway, here's some more recent pictures of our yet-to-be-finished-probably-never-will-be-finished apartment:

Clayton's room

The before/after pictures of the TV stand