Our attempt at southern living...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hokay, so, for Halloween this year, Clayton and I decided (on a whim, I might add) to be Charlie Brown and his best friend Linus van Pelt, specifically from the Halloween special "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."

The costumes turned out decently enough, I suppose:
The other sign (that Clayton
is holding) is for a contest. Just
disregard it.

But they probably would have been awesome if I had spent as much time on them as I spent on my brother's costume (who is 27 and married, by the way). See, Thursday night, he called me to inform me that he basically needed me to make his whole costume in less that 24 hours. (At this point, I had not started on my own costume or Clayton's) And what did my completely self-sufficient brother choose to be?...: Macho Man Randy Savage... Yes. This guy:

Well.. I think my efforts paid off... He ended up looking like this:

No, he's not wearing a diaper, that's just his shorts rolled up.
He thought it looked "better." haha

I'm sad to see October go so quickly... it's my favorite month and I never feel like I enjoyed it or soaked it in enough. Oh, well... maybe next year.